First Name(s) *
Surname *
E-mail *
Contact telephone number
Incident Description
DO NOT enter any Personal Identifiable Data (PID)
What happened?
How many people have seen the breach / information?
Was this from email /post / printer / computer screen?
What organisation(s) are involved / affected?
What action has been taken?
Date of Incident
* Required
Time of Incident (24-Hour)
* Required
What type of data was breached?
Address and/or postcode
Biometric data
Data given in confidence
Date of Birth
Genetic data
Health: Physical, mental or condition
NHS number
Personal email address
Political opinions
Private/secret information
Racial or ethnic origin
Religious beliefs or other similar beliefs
Sexual life
* Required
Adverse Event
Select an Option
Breach of patient confidentiality: BRCH
Breach of confidentiality of staff records or information: HR
Breach of sensitive business information: FINBRCH
Patient incorrectly identified: PATID
* Required
Is BOB ICB the source or recipient of the breach?
Select an Option
* Required
If both, please provide more details:
* Required
Who is the source? (please specify job role and department. Do NOT include names)
* Required
Who is the recipient? (please specify job role and department. Do NOT include names)
* Required
Where data has been sent inappropriately, has the recipient been informed?
Select an Option
* Required
Can you confirm that it has not been shared further?
Select an Option
It has been shared
It has not been shared
I am not sure it has been shared
* Required
If it has been shared, please provide more details:
* Required
If you are not sure it has been shared, please provide more details:
* Required
Number of data subjects affected (please estimate)
* Required